Thomas Coughlin for IEEE President-Elect 2022

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Declining Industry Connections with the IEEE

The organizations that would become the IEEE were founded by people who used technology to create wealth, employment and a better way of life for many people. These founders and early members included Thomas Alva Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Nikola Tesla. The practical application of science is what engineers do and applying scientific methods to meet human needs is what technology-oriented businesses do.

Technology oriented industries were strong supporters of engineering societies in the past and IEEE needs the support of these industries and companies today. Much has changed in the technologies that support modern businesses and the way companies run, the services that they offer and the relationship between engineer employees and the companies that they work for.

IEEE has lost a significant percentage of its industry membership over the last 20 years. This loss of industry members reflects changes in the engineering profession, the companies that employ engineers and the ability of the IEEE to provide the value to these companies and their employees that they were able to provide in the past.

IEEE has a strong connection to its members in academia and that connection is the basis of much of the revenue coming into the IEEE. However, if IEEE continues to lose its connections to industry, IEEE loses its relevance to the people and organizations who generate wealth from technology. Industry supports the work at universities and hires the students trained in universities. For IEEE to provide the greatest value for its academic members, it also needs to maintain strong connections to industry.

How can IEEE increase its usefulness to modern companies? How can we increase the perceived value of IEEE membership for company employees? For instance, can IEEE do more to help our industry members with their career development, finding work, etc? Should IEEE play a bigger role in industry trade groups, at industry trade shows? These are all important questions that we need to answer. Industry engagement with the IEEE is critical to create greater value for IEEE membership and for the future of the IEEE.

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The opinions expressed on this web page are the opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the IEEE.

Content copyright © 2021 Thomas Coughlin. All rights reserved.