Thomas Coughlin for IEEE President-Elect 2022

Tom's IEEE Blog

Tom IEEE-USA with mask
We have talked before about increasing diversity in the IEEE. In addition to making the IEEE welcoming to people of different cultural and racial backgrounds as well as gender, there is a great opportunity to broaden the IEEE in terms of professional disciplines represented and embracing, encouraging and providing resources for multi-disciplinary careers. I believe […]

Technology gives us options for the future. IEEE is about technology and its applications. It makes sense that the IEEE fosters a Future Directions Committee (FDC) within the IEEE Technical Activities (TA) organizational unit. This committee supports technical initiatives on emerging and important technological developments that span multiple IEEE Societies and Technical Councils. The goal […]

I grew up reading science fiction, and although some fantasy-oriented content also interested me, I was and continue to be, a big fan of hard science fiction. Back in college I was involved in local SF fan groups in Minneapolis, helped start an L5 chapter (of Gerard O’Neill’s L5 Society) and even published my own […]

Tom Coughlin - family
More than ever before in the history of our species, people from all over the world and from every possible background and experience can interact and have an impact on each other. Technology has made this possible. In addition, something invented or manufactured in one country is generally available all over the world, enriching and […]

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IEEE has lost much of its connection to modern industry. Many people in industry see IEEE as primarily an academic organization focused on research rather than the practical applications of technology. Research is important, but it requires funding. Much of that funding comes from companies. If IEEE is to retain its value for both its […]

Thomas Edison lightbulb
The organizations that would become the IEEE were founded by people who used technology to create wealth, employment and a better way of life for many people. These founders and early members included Thomas Alva Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Nikola Tesla. The practical application of science is what engineers do and applying scientific methods […]

IEEE-USA Gathering
What is an active section? IEEE sections exist to provide services and support for IEEE members living or working in that section. These may include putting on local meetings on professional or technology topics (often put on my local section chapters). The section may also have events to help its members become senior members and […]

membership join people
The average age of IEEE memberships has been increasing. This is because we have very high attrition of younger members, in particular student and particularly young professional (YP) members. In the US regions, IEEE student membership (including graduate students) has declined by over 20% since its peak in 2003. At the same time, using US […]

IEEE Group photo - kneeling
IEEE membership can provide many benefits and the organization has many things to offer its members. However, different members get value from different things in the IEEE and these can vary depending upon what else is going on in your life. Also, I have observed that you get the greatest value from being part of […]

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The opinions expressed on this web page are the opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the IEEE.

Content copyright © 2021 Thomas Coughlin. All rights reserved.